Originally Posted By: Steve C
Hate to pull this thread back to the subject, but I see Doug at the Whitney Portal Store has announced that he...

"Just got word the campground is closed and they have 48 hours to secure the campground. Until we hear more information the store will stay open."

I would assume, then, that the overnight spots up at Horseshoe Meadow are (or will soon be) closed to camping, too.

I'll bet they lock up the toilets everywhere, too.

Now I wonder about parking lots.

Shame...those people who made reservations for the campground and the permits...a deposit with no return.

Bet Doug is going to suffer a severe hit with the lack of business. It is October and the store will close in November, but let's hope the WP Store stays open until November 1. Hang in there, Doug and Earlene and the Portal Crew!

Bet dah bears are pissed without the campers. (I just had to say that.)

A lot of people across the US are fuming because of a change of plans due to closures like this. People planned family outings, weddings, etc. We wanted to go down to the Grand Canyon before Thanksgiving. Oh well, guess we will save on time and money. Will just get more turkey to bake or deep fat fry.

My wife and I wanted to go fishing on Tioga Lake and Ellery Lake this October (possibly November) and fish in Lee Vining Creek, but since Yosemite NP is closed and Tioga Pass is closed that won't happen it will have to be Bass Lake near Oh Cursed (Oakhurst, CA).

Lesson to learn: Never make any reservation that deals with the government around October 1 because of the new fiscal year.

Hopefully, your state parks can provide a great alternative during these troubling times.

My wife works for Social Security as a District Manager. She had planned leave this week. Due to the shutdown, she had to report to work. She cannot take leave during this shutdown. If this SD continues, she and her colleagues will have to work on Columbus Day and Veterans' Day (observed federal government holidays). Thanksgiving and Christmas? Working on those days is a possibility if this SD lasts that long.

Yes, all SSA offices are opened. Check with your local SSA office for hours of operation. This was a public service announcement.

Journey well...