Hi Stella! We had our first Sierra Nevada snow last night. Snow level was about 9,500 feet in the Bishop Creek area, and it snowed in Mammoth Lakes. Temps in the Whitney area were @ 15F at night. Wind chill made it below zero F. Consider getting a warmer sleeping bag for this time of year.

Another sometimes neglected tip: put your boots in the sleeping bag with you - down in the foot area. Put them in a big stuff sack or inside your sleeping bag container (turned inside out). Leather boots, in particular, left outside in the Fall and Winter often freeze solid...and it takes a long time to thaw them out. That's another good reason for buying a big winter bag.

I start using my North Face 20F bag in the Fall and then the -20F bag in the Winter. Always inside my tent or Gore-Tex bivvy sack.

Last edited by Bob West; 09/22/13 12:43 PM.