There is more info [However, about half way there, going fairly straight as the crow flies, while climbing out of a ravine, she injured her left foot, so she could not walk.
Though she left one pack in the car, which the police found parked at Timberline Lodge and Ski Area parking lot, she took another pack with her, which included a space blanket ("Silvery Cocoon"), which has helped keep her warm.
She is confident that she will be found, and has been in a good mental state.
She has a means of attracting a search party to her, once they are near enough. Fairs? Smoke? Ground drawing?
I cannot tell where the fact leaves off and the story-telling begins -- is all of this "she is" and "she has" commentary from the psychics? Is it known for a fact that she is injured, or is that part of the conjuring?