An interesting accompaniment to the Death in the Grand Canyon book is a 3D map done, based on statistics the book. of fatalities in Grand Canyon. Brilliant cartography and map design. Zooming in and out shows clustered or individual symbols. It's available on the Internet (though not in 3D) at:
The accompanying tech explanation is interesting if you like that sort of thing... .

I misspent my youth in the very small 2 bookshelf collection of mountaineering (and SF!) books in the San Francisco Main Library. Computers hadn't been invented yet, saving me from being a true geek (and, um, dates):

Annapurna --Herzog
The Last Place On Earth --Huntford
Mawson's Will --Lennard Bickel
Endurance --Shackleton
The West Ridge --Hornbein (one of the first Sierra Club format books -- inspiring a generation of young mountaineers)
The Climb: Tragic Ambitions on Everest by Anatoli Boukreev (Better written and more honest, I thought, than Krakauer's of the same event).
Touching the Void --Joe Simpson

None of the views expressed here in any way represent those of the unidentified agency that I work for or, often, reality. It's just me, fired up by coffee and powerful prose.