Originally Posted By: Phillip
Now, they need 8 or so days to find the results using the new computerized system. I'm not buying it. You have lotteries with tens of millions of people in it that come up with instant results.

Im sure the results are instant... thats why they went to a computer method of drawing the names. That and it is now all tied into the recreation.gov framework.

Originally Posted By: phillip
Yes, I feel it's rigged.

Why would they rig the lottery? In my opinion rigging something like a lottery is really to benifit the people who run it... what would Inyo National Forest have to gain?

Originally Posted By: phillip
Good luck to everyone, I hope it works out for you.

Thanks, I will enjoy my time in July on the Mountian and you can also look for permits that are unused April 1st and as then become availible after that!

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