Raphus, your nomination sparked some intensive research by me so I could understand more clearly this area. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears you are describing the Swiftcurrent Pass Trail from Many Glacier to the Granite Park Chalet and then going from there to Logan Pass on the Highline Trail. This is a one way hike and a pretty long one. What is the concept for when you finish the hike -- to have a friend or famiy member pick you up and take the drive back to the starting point? How long is that drive (it appears that it might be a long one)? (I did SOME research but I'll leave some for you too!

Or, you may know to begin with.)
I'll put you on the nominations summary page as "Swiftcurrent Pass Trail/Highline Trail, Glacier NP, Montana".
But I think it's important to note for interested folks in this hike -- my research showed MANY options and variations to what you did. For example, there's a 2 mile offshoot hike to the top of Swiftcurrent Mountain. One could simply go out and back on the Swiftcurrent Trail only. Or could also use the Highline Trail as an out and back. Or -- go one way on the Highline from Logan Pass, then take what is called the Loop Trail down to the road where a shuttle is available to go back to Logan Pass. (If I've inaccurately stated all this you're free to correct me.)
But in the spirit of having just one defined hike from many possibilities in this area, and honoring the intent of the nominator, I'll list the hike as I described above, which seems to be exactly what you did.
Glacier National Park is one of 15 of the national parks within the 48 states I haven't visited yet (I've been to the other 31). Your hike nomination and my subsequent research whetted my appetite!
You have a good idea about visiting this board more often.