AGE: 53-years-old
HEIGHT: 5'10”
WEIGHT: 160 lbs.
HAIR: Short, black with gray
IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Mustache and goatee
HIKING ROUTE INCLUDED: On Friday, Oct. 19, 2012, Larry started his hike at the Taboose Creek Trailhead in the Inyo National Forest with plans to travel over Taboose Pass toward the John Muir Trail in Kings Canyon National Park. His route may have included Split Mountain and areas to the south, including Pinchot Pass. He planned to be back on Monday, Oct. 22, 2012.
CLOTHING/EQUIPMENT: Likely wearing dark clothing, may have a red or yellow bandana, may be using a dark gray or blue backpack and using a tan/red dome tent.
GENERAL INFO: Larry is an experienced backpacker and is familiar with the area.
IF YOU HAVE SEEN/CONTACTED HIM OR HAVE MORE INFO: Please contact Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks' Dispatch at (559) 565-3195 OR the Inyo County Sheriff's Department at (760) 878-0383.