Color me green with envy Bob.
My unscientific belief is that your resistance to the effects of altitude is genetic and not because you live in Reno. I'm new to this, but the two buddies that I go into the mountains with have been doing this for about as long as you have. They both live at sea level, both hardly acclimate (one night at the trail head like you), and neither have ever experienced the debilitating effects of AMS.
Earlier this year, I've tried to see if being at higher elevation periodically would help build up my resistance or tolerance for lack of better words. Went to San Jacinto and used the Skyline trail or Marion Mtn trail on a weekly basis for about 4 months...didn't work.
If they weren't so awfully expensive, I would be tempted to try out one of those altitude tents...but the cost is ridiculous for my pay grade.