Originally Posted By: Steve C
Whoa! That is so unusual to die while out on a hike -- of natural causes.

As a 62 year old man with a lifelong jones for a JMT solo, I find this sobering.

Beginning with Gene Hall about a year ago, you may have noticed a baby elephant in this room, growing bigger every week. We have seen a number of similar incidents: at least five deaths, natural and accidental, and one unknown (Sawmill Trail), emergencies and near emergencies (Shyam Das, Kenny and BackMan), all solo hikers. Three of these, including two deaths, in the last three weeks.

All the circumstances are different, but there are similarities between certain of these incidents; seasoned hikers dying peacefully doing what they love, experienced climbers falling, summit fever: are all represented at least twice.

I am not saying that there is pattern or trend here. Statistical anomalies happen all the time: they are, paradoxically, normal. But they are also reminders, at least to me.

I draw no conclusion here, but this has my attention.

Wherever you go, there you are.