Thanks Steve,
Prices for InReach service as follows:
Safety Plan Recreation Plan Expedition Plan
Price $9.95 Monthly $24.95 Monthly $49.95 Monthly
SOS Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Messages 10 per month 40 per month 120 per month
Tracking Not Included Unlimited Unlimited
Overage $1.50 message $0.50 message $0.25 message
$0.25 Track
Sorry, for "funky format".
Note, these are "monthly", so for full service you are looking at $600.00/year, and still have 120/month limitation on messages. I'm not sure if "messages" includes "OK", but it does include unlimited "tracking", so this may not be a severe limitation.
I gather the basis for these high prices is the "two way" communications. InReach confirms message sent, and can receive messages as well as sending. The InReach folks claim superior Satellite system (Iridium).
It does "seem" the InReach product offers more, but not sure if the price justifies the "more". Basic Spot would meet most (if not all critical) needs.
My comment on "stability" had more to do with the "connect" and smart phone. Some reported cases of difficulty linking via Bluetooth, and at least one report that the system was completely disabled due to communication issues between the Spot and the smartphone.
Link that has more information is interesting: