Awesome advice and tips!
Steve, the GMAP4 link is fabulous! Exactly what I needed (I do have the Harrison Whitney High Country map, plus some USGS maps, but this puts it all together!). Is there a way to print sections from that website? When I hit print, I get a blank page.
Glenn, you make this trip sound so doable, thanks! The routefinding based on your description and the topo looks pretty good via Upper Soldier Lake, but as I am not all that experienced yet with cross-country travel (though gaining experience and confidence), and as my friends have even less experience, I'll probably stick this time with the Lower Soldier Lake route. I am able to follow exactly what you are describing on the GMPA4 link and on my topos...seems very doable, thanks!!! I am wondering if perhaps I should camp two nights in the drainage below Sky Blue Lake, and do Sky Blue Lake and Iridescent Lake as a day hike in the inbetween day.....
I just got the permits for a late August entry ... am thinking perhaps 5 nights in the backcountry...
Again, many thanks, everyone, for your suggestions. If you have any more, please, keep them coming!