Happy 4th All!

Funny how 17 seems pretty darn good and then there is Richard and THEN there is Crazy Jack...almost makes us seem like slackers!!

Was a great trip up today, starting with gorgeous lighting at sunrise. Stopped to photograph but really made us miss having the big camera!! Such a sacrifice to go light sometimes! We cruised and opted to take the draw between Trailside Meadow and Trail Camp like we did all winter. It is so beautiful right now - green, with an abundance of Shooting Stars and Rock Fringe - but oddly slower than taking the longer switchbacks. Is it just us...or is this a bumper bloom of Sky Pilots?????

Much to our delight we ran into Crazy Jack on the upper mountain...such a character.

Made our goal of summiting in under 4 hours and enjoyed the descent with grey skies above and a cool breeze. After being well fed at the Portal Store with the wonderful company of Betsy and her library of wildflower books...we headed home to watch the Tour de France! And plan the rest of the weekends journeys!!!!