Hi everyone,
Were getting ready to open the road soon. The shuttle will be ready to run starting on opening day. We are trying to open Friday June 29, HOWEVER… some emergency repairs to road equipment might still delay us, so don't promise anyone until you hear from a Forest Service source.
- It is not guaranteed we will open on that date, or what time the bus will run.
- Parking is very limited in the valley, so backpackers need to use the bus.
Some of the trails are still in rough shape, please:
- DO NOT direct people to Minaret, Beck or Fern Lake areas.
- Shadow Creek is clear to Ediza… But NOT clear on the JMT both north and south of Shadow Creek. (Do not issue loop trips using Shadow)
- Iva Bell -Fish Creek trail is not clear yet.. they are working on clearing it now.
- McGee Creek & JMT loop trips- the Tully Hole area has a big blowdown