Originally Posted By: mountainwalker85
The best way to view our photos is on our flickr site which is www.flickr.com/photos/mccoy_images/ or you can visit our website @ mccoyimages.com lastly our face book account @ face book. Davey mccoy we carry a camera on all trips always putting them on one or all of those sites, feed back is always welcome........


Art. Fantastic pictures from the Langley to the skiing shots. I love taking pictures and always try to capture "the moment". The pictures are always a let down when I view them at home. Your pictures make me feel like I'm in the Sierra again.

Originally Posted By: Steve C
2600fromatari wrote:
> Acclimated more than I've ever done in the past

I am curious: How did you acclimate on this recent trip?

Steve, usually it's just a day either at the Portal or the Horseshoe Meadows. This time, I was able to spend a day going to Trail Peak, then sleep at the Horseshoe Meadows. Did a quick hike up to the E-Ledges the next day to lounge and take pictures, then slept at the Portal. That's an extra day for me. Last time I did half of that and had zero issues. Felt like I could run up the MR. It was so bad this time I was stopping every few steps on flat ground on the MT to catch my breath. It was unexpected, and painful.