I'm curious about the model of Ursack that was being used in the video. The only one recommended as "bear-proof" by the manufacturer is the Ursack White. All the other models will only keep small critters from getting into the food. Even the Ursack White must be used properly, using the manufacturer's instructions.

The researcher you reference is only one of many bear researchers; his data might or might not correspond with the data gathered by researchers in other parts of North America. As I recall from my science classes, it is important not to argue from the particular to the general, but from the general to the particular. In other words, good research must cover all possible data, from multiple sources, before making any kind of generalization across the board on any topic.

Better safe than sorry; follow the rules of behavior in bear country or don't be surprised if Ursa gets your food...and more.

Last edited by Bob West; 06/11/12 12:26 PM.