Hey ya'll,
I promised I'd give a report when I made it back, and so here I am.
First off, wow. We had the adventure of a lifetime.
So Kaweah Gap was DEFINITELY snowy. There was about 2 feet of snow at Precipice Lake and above, and we were post-holing for about 1/2 mile -- ended up scrambling the talus and boulders for the final push. We definitely needed snowshoes, but we didn't carry them in an effort to go light. We're just glad we made it over before the afternoon build-up really hit.
The JMT section of the Whitney is definitely passable, even after the storm that hit a few days ago, although it certainly made us nervous getting ~2" of snow at 8,000 feet two days before we were set to summit. We had only a few icy sections, and with microspikes and poles, we made it through just fine.
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a...mp;l=3174594591Thanks for all your help.