This is just my opinion but mountain house as well as most if not all of those foods taste horrible and usually lack enough salt. Over the years I have found that 5-6 day trips with $4-8/meal is too expensive and too bulky. If you go on long and even short trips and have tried to pack those meals into a bear canister its worthless. I have taken a needle to poke a hole in the top of the bags to let air out for pack ability but not worth it. I usually take 2 top ramen noodle packets and crush them up then place them into a ziplock bag. Bycrushing them up i can layer them in my bear canister with minimal space. I also take thai paste to use with top ramen noodles to make different dishes. regular top ramen is great after a long day when your salt depleted and for some reason it taste so good compared to those expensive meals and a quarter of the space and weight.

"God has not called us to be successful but he has called us to be faithful"- Mother Teresa