Probably one of the more popular climbs is to do 3, some call it 4, 14ers in a 7 mile loop, all Class 2. You drive to Kite Lake which is 12,000' ( I believe there is a fee camping area and there is a fee day hiking area too) climb Democrat, go over Cameron (not considered a true separate 14er) to Lincoln and then finish the loop by doing Bross and back down to Kite Lake. The approach is south of Breckenridge and Hoosier Pass with an entry road West of a small town Alma. Anyone driving in that area beware of speed traps in both Alma and Fairplay which is just south of Alma.
There still seem to be private property issues in the area.
http://14ers.com/routelist.php?peak=Mt.%20Bross"Notice! The summit of Mt. Bross is currently closed as the Colorado Mountain Club (CMC), Colorado Fourteeners Initiative (CFI) and other organizations work with private landowners to obtain access to the summit. If you decide climb all the way to the summit please understand that you could jeopardize the opening of the summit."
You can use 14ers.com for routes, trailheads and current info.
Dale B. Dalrymple