Originally Posted By: So.BayMark
Julius when you camped in Sept. last year did you camp at lake #4 I remember seeing those pictures of of your daughter, your tent camped near that lake near old army pass..It would have been the weekend of Sept. 17th..hopeing to see you in August in the mountains..

BTW...welcome aboard Shin


Thanks Mark,
that was a great trip that I'll remember for ever.
We applied for permits for the main trail, still waiting for the

We're looking at mid August, before my daughter's 6th birthday.
I understand that some are seeing charges on their credit card for the permits. We have seen none, not good news.
My daughter is crushed. She wants to write a letter to someone to complain. In here own words " the mountains belong to nobody, why can't we go daddy?"

I may have to take her up the MR, it will be hard but, slow and steady wins the race, like I always tell her.
Looks like the North fork permits are all taken, except the 4/day walk in.
For now we are continuing our training here locally.
See you on the trail.