Oh I just have to put in my 2 cents: 1st cent, I am so excited, I won a spot even though I have no clue what date. It doesn't matter though. 2nd cent, Nothing is more fulfilling than the joy and wonder of a new baby..Believe me your wife and your baby on the way need you more than the mountain plus due dates are just an estimate.Your baby could arrive 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after the due date. Once in a while they come right on schedule .Congratulations on both of your upcoming events,.pray for good timing.
Thanks everyone for the nice words and support. So i found out that my date was my first pick! june 12 for 5 days!! My wife is due in Sept 1 give or take 2 weeks before or after so ill be fine. I agree, the birth of a new life is more important than any moutain. I just found out that its a girl! so thats my third kid and im about to turn 30 years old, having babies like its going out of style..lol in our culture it is going out of style. Im so excited to finally meet whitney. Time to start planning and prepping. Any suggestions im all ears. Is any one else plan on going when i am?
"God has not called us to be successful but he has called us to be faithful"- Mother Teresa