Originally Posted By: Rod
The full screen slideshow was outstanding. Excellent quality photos. I love the flyovers. What plane was your friend flying. A boxy tail dragger looks like an old Stinson. 15,500 is about the max ceiling on a tail dragger like that unless he has supplemental oxygen and then it is pushing it. Unless it was your friend in the helicopter. That would make more sense altitude wise.

Thanks Rod,
My friend was flying a rented plane from Orange County.Don't know what brand, although he told me many times.
The yellow plane in the slideshow is somebody else, on approach to John Wayne , and the chopper was at Bishop airport, where my friend went for lunch after the flyover.
They were using O2 and they had the window open trying to get a clear picture. To bad the camera and lens I gave them to use, was not fully extended to 400MM, and I had to do some heavy crops.
This is a picture I took of them from the top.They were moving at 150MPH so is not that sharp.
