I climbed Whitney yesterday. It was a GREAT bluebird day! This is my second time and got lucky with the weather conditions both times.

No crampons necesary, especially if it's a nice day out. The snow is waist deep, but a nice path exists. The toughest part is climbing up/down over the rocks leading to the snow, but it is manageable. I saw a few people with minor cuts and bruises from hitting rocks, however, no one in my group had trouble (and I'm 5'3").

The logs have been fixed. YAY!! You will have water crossings and I got wet 2x, but only one shoe. First water crossing at about .5 to 1 mile from the trailhead. I did not get my shoes wet on the way up but did so on the way down. You can avoid it altogether by taking the old trail up. We went for it. Also, just past Outpost Camp, there is a water crossing and I got one shoe wet. Pack an extra pair of socks and you will be fine. the weather was hot so it wasn't terrible. I changed my sock at trail camp and continued on. The taller folks in my group did not get their shoes wet (and I cursed them for being tall smile

The conditions do not necessarily delay your ascent. You just need to take your time crossing the water.

I have pics of the log crossing and the snow. I will see if I can figure out how to post.

Remember to take your time climbing up. You can be in the best of shape, however, if you ascend too quickly, you will burn out and/or suffer from altitude sickness. It's not worth it! Have fun and good luck!!