It was a scary day to say the least. Left at 6:00 am 7/29/11 from portal parking lot and made the summit around 1:00 pm amidst lots of lighting/pea-sized hailstones. Met my new best-friend Dean for the trip back. Left the summit immediately and started down but noticed a couple on thier way to the summit with what appeared to be a 1 yr.old baby on the mothers back. Also saw the couple with the two children on the trail as well. witnessed a huge rockslide with car-sized boulders coming off the mountain. Had to cross several rivers that were waist-deep with raging water on the way back and lost both poles in the process. Saw that the last river crossing was blocked and arrow pointing to alternate route down to the parking lot. Got back to car at 7:05 pm. I pray that everyone made it off the mountain safely.