My brother, cousin and I had a two night permit at Whitney June 30th. With only my cousin being "in shape" and none of us hikers by any means, it was an adventure. My cousin, who I now consider equal, in part, to all of you, made it to the summit. He left us at Lone Pine lake at 5:30am and made it down over 17 hours later....battered and some what catatonic.....but survived. My brother and I, however, failed miserably. We made it no further than Lone Pine Lake, and that took longer than I care to admit to get there. We never have packed/hiked before. I'll just refer to one of my favorite lines; "Man gots to know his limitations". I may post our chronicles of our failed attempt at some point, but I just wanted to thank ALL (especially Steve C) on this site, at the portal and in general, everyone in the Lone Pine area. You ALL are very special people who take care of everyone who attempts this wonderful place.....even the fool hardy like my brother and I. I have lots of pictures, but there basically pictures that everyone has seen before.....the majestic beauty of MT Whitney. I will however, try to add a picture of a somewhat rare sighting we had. While escorting my cousin down to the lower (overflow) parking lot around 7:45pm, a mamma Black Bear and her cub crossed our path about 50 yards from us.....she stopped and gave us a stare, and a little concern for a brief moment. Again thanks, you all are special people, and truly Super men and women in my eyes.
Will, Rob and cousin Charlie