Originally Posted By: tdtz
and speaking of heavy packs....

I always pack more food than I need. I am hypoglycemic and if my blood sugar drops too low I first go through a really obnoxious stage, but after that I become downright irrational.

I bring this up because when I am packing food I go through this mental pre-fear that I will get into a low blood sugar situation and not have enough food.

TDTZ.... small foods with good impacts. My son was hypoglycemic when he was younger and he went through similar stages to let us know he was going into an "episode of buttheadedness" as we called them.. I don't know how it works for you.. but peanut butter snacks, beef jerky and cheese sticks... the high protein snacks are what the doctors advised us to use for my son. Small snacks, easily stored, no refrigeration... his teachers always kept a stash in her desk...