Finally I have finished my personal video account of my Mt Whitney experience. Perhaps it was because I didn't quite make it that made me less enthusiastic about finishing the video documentary. Anyway its finally finished just 2 weeks before I head off again for Mt Whitney Mark 2.

Just a reminder that this video was filmed for me, my family and good friends so it doesn't have lots of actions shots from the trail but rather focusses on my own account of my 'Mt Whitney Personal Challenge'. It wasn't filmed and edited with the intent to post on sites like this. But with all the great information I found on this site I thought maybe my video might inspire just 1 person and make it all worthwhile to post here. So apologies to anyone who watches it and finds it boring. But thank you to anyone who does take the time to watch it.

And thank you so much to my hiking partner Adam who accompanied me on my Mt Whitney hike. I am indebted to him.


PS I have no idea how I embed the video. I think Steve did that for me last time ... can you help again Steve ?? Many thanks if you can.