QS wrote up a good recap of the day, so not too much to add except the next time I hike the WWW Marathon I'm going to use this.

And if anyone ever gets a chance to hike with QS and his buddy DJ, be prepared to laugh and hang out with 2 really terrific guys. If it wasn't for them, I don't think I would have finished.

On second thought, if it wasn't for QS, I wouldn't have been there at all. wink

The one thing missing from the recap, and I may be spilling a secret, some of the water stops had ice cold beer, and one had tequila. (The tequila water stop had lime and salt to go with it.) I have to admit to being tempted to just hang out at a water stop, have a beer or two and get a ride back into town with one of the volunteers.

Really, think about it, a beautiful day in the Alabama Hills, cold beer, plenty of snack food, and really nice folks to hang out with. Why would I keep hiking up and down hills in very dry hot weather, with snakes, lizards, flies, blooming wild flowers, and a couple of wild and crazy guys? But I did and had a once in a lifetime experience.

So, Thanks to Quillansculpture for making me aware of the WWW marathon.